How do I find my purchase or workshop?

  • Find Your Purchases by Clicking the Orange 'Access Purchases' button in the top right corner of my website.

    • Phone: Located in drop-down menu

  • Or, Scroll to the bottom footer of ANY of my pages and find a direct login link to every Workshop, Membership, or 5 Day Tapping Challenge

I’m not a therapist or practitioner, can I come to your EFT workshops?

Yes! There is no prerequisite. The majority of my students do NOT carry a license or hold a degree in Psychology.

The only workshops with prerequisites are the Level 3 Workshop and Trauma Workshop. Students need to have attended the Level 1 & 2 workshop first.

I want to be a Level 3 Expert Practitioner but I trained in Level 1&2 at EFTUniverse. Can I train with you?

Yes! I have trained hundreds of EFTUniverse students. Enroll in any of my workshops when you feel ready.

If you want to become an Expert Level 3 EFT Practitioner, read and complete the EFTInternational Grandfathering Steps.

Once you grandfather into EFTInternational as a Level 1&2 Practitioner, you can begin Level 3 mentorship with me (some grandfather in at the same time they start mentorship ;)

If you have questions email me at jackie@theeftmasterclass.com

How do I update or change my credit card?

If your card was denied or has been changed, you will need to update and refresh your card number to allow future payments to process:

  1. Click 'Access Purchases' in top right corner of site

  2. Sign in and Click 'Account Settings'

  3. Click ‘Payment’

  4. ‘Add New Payment Method’ and Delete old card numbers by clicking and removing them

  5. Then, head back and Click 'Subscriptions'

  6. Click each Active Subscription and Click > Payment Method to Update the New Payment Information

I still can’t find my workshop:

If you enrolled in a LIVE workshop before 2023: All workshop info was sent via email from jackie@theeftmasterclass.com. Check your Spam or Promotions Folder on Gmail.

If you enrolled in Content Creation for Healers in 2023: Look for the email I sent on February 5, 2023, with your steps to access the digital version of your course.

How long do I get access to courses?

For life! Unless otherwise stated, all digital courses include lifetime access to your current modules.

Do you have a discount for returning students?

Yes! If you have already attended a workshop, you can attend that SAME workshop for a discount rate when I offer it live again.

Email me if interested.

For example, if you have been to an Inner Child Training and want to attend the upcoming Inner Child cohort, I will give you a discounted code to enroll.

Email me

Email me